First order via the Doorzo app

I saw an add for the Doorzo app via Instagram and while I had ordered in the past via proxy services, this one looked easy to use. And easy to use it was and dangerous for my wallet. 😀

Doorzo is a proxy service that helps you shop on sites like Mercari, Rakuma, Surugaya and my newly discovered (Japanese handmade goods). You browse via keywords and see if you can find your most wanted items. I did cry a little seeing the sold out Baby, The Stars Shine Bright collab outfits for Volks dolls going twice and triple the price. *shakes angry fist at scalpers*
After payment the goods will be shipped after the sellers confirmed that you won the purchase and ship it to a central warehouse, I found out it is in Saitama prefecture. After your items arrive, for a small fee you can have them checked and repacked for international shipment. It all went pretty fast and the longest time I had to wait was for the Dutch customs to release the package after I paid the ransom. Everything done by Doorzo was done swiftly and with great care.

I bought 2 kimono’s form I Doll House and when they arrived I was pleasantly surprised. The fabric quality has the most beautiful and deep colours. The gold looks like the work of a skillful painter.

Both kimono’s are Blythe, Licca-chan and obitsu 22 sized.

Up close inspection you see that the kimono’s have been hemmed with care by their creator.

And I feel the price was too low for them. The red/blue kimono costed me ¥ 2.500 (€ 15,36). It came with an obi, zori sandals and a hair ornament. I think this one is the prettiest of the two, the red, blue and gold go so well together.

It suits Licca-chan so well. <3

The other kimono is fitted on my Blythe, Rhiann. She has auburn hair and this set really fits the autumn mood. Too bad it’s winter, all the leaves are gone and a photoshoot at the park will look pretty bleak. The details on the obi are really pretty and I love the handstitched flower on it. This set costed me ¥ 2.300 (€14,13).

Poor lass is still shoeless. 🙁

The overall experience of using Doorzo and the items that I have received has been fantastic. I have listed this seller in my favourites and I will undoubtedly buy more form her in the future. I have already made a few purchases on Doorzo during the weekend and whoosh €75 gone. 😀

Another package with a set of clothing arrived via PostNL later on the day but it’s 1 AM now, I need to work tomorrow so I should leave the photo editing and posting of the blog for tomorrow or Friday. For now I will wait for my other Doorzo packages, two of them coming my way soon.

I got a hairpin as a gift. 😀

Nice plans for the future.

In 2024 I decided I didn’t want to fully earn my living from working in corporate. It had been a stressful year, several colleagues ended up leaving the workplace along with quite a few redundancies. Do I have faith in the future with my current work? I wish I could but appeasing the shareholders and having a stable work environment do not mix. This is the way in capitalism and I don’t feel I can grow old in such a world.

My hobbies give me energy and motivation to become a skilled person. While it is a niche market, the doll collecting world, I think I will be able to generate some income out of it.
Often you hear that you shouldn’t try to make a living of your hobbies but on the other hand working myself into oblivion for bosses that don’t care is not a future that I want for myself. I care alot about my work, but being underminded and facing understaffing is the fight I need to give up on. For my own sanity.

Can’t remember how long ago I started collecting dolls, maybe at the beginning of the millenium but I have made quite a few friends nationally and internationally. Taking photos, exchanging ideas and even trading or buying stuff from each other. While I have been in the hobby for a long time, I am pretty much absent from the online communities like the ones on Facebook or forums.
I enjoy looking at the photos that people share but I shy away from commenting. So In 2025 I want to be more active in showing my love and support to other doll fans, creators and enthousiasts.

Another plan for 2025 is launching my online shop. I have already registered myself on bigcartel, created a designated e-mail address and have been reading up on all the legal stuff that I need to know to open up my shop. Will keep the name underwraps until everthing is ready to launch.

On the todo list:
– to register at the Chamber of Commerce (I feel like a Ferengi 😉 )
– get my VAT-number
– open a business bankaccount
– create a logo
– create business cards
– find sustainable packaging solutions
– set op business shipping accounts with various logistical services
– figure out the pricing
– all the legal requirements that the EU has set up for product safety.

It is a massive list before launch and it takes a while to get through it. I work 40 hours a week and on the weekends I am working on my shop stock. I might do a soft launch via Instagram, offering a few of the items to test the waters but I am not a big van of Paypal with its fickle tendencies.

And the 2026 goal is to have a booth at a local doll and bear fair in my hometown. The organiser of the event passed away and it was not certain this fair would be continued but they launched the 2025 campaign so I am hopeful for next year. A couple of years ago they only had 1 stand with Blythe and now they dedicated two whole rows with Asian ball jointed dolls, Blythes and Smart Dolls.
I can’t wait until March to find out how big the floor has grown and see my friends again.

I feel good about these plans, I get the support I needed from my family and friends. Even some don’t really get my hobby, they still think I should pursue my dreams.

2025/2026 will be my turn around.